Key differences between conventional and break bulk cargo: What is the best option for your company?

Containerized freight transport has provided international trade with a standard model that can be used by ships, trains and trucks from all over the world in a streamlined, efficient and interconnected way.

However, there are goods that cannot be transported in containers, or it would not be efficient to do so due to their characteristics, such as their weight or dimensions. This group includes Bulk Cargo, which, in the case of maritime transport, requires the ship itself to act as a container. The most typical example would be an oil tanker. On the other hand, there is Break Bulk Cargo, which is cargo that is not containerized and does not require the ship to perform this function.

efficiency security shipping logistics

What exactly is Break Bulk?

Break Bulk cargo, also known as general cargo, is cargo that is stowed on vessels individually in its own type of packaging, such as barrels, sacks, racks, etc. These goods are not loaded in containers either because they do not fit, or they exceed the maximum weight allowed, or they do not adapt to the containers and using them would be inefficient.

What kind of goods are transported as Break Bulk Cargo? This transport method is ideal for those industries that work with heavy or oversized materials, such as machinery, windmill blades, construction parts, etc. The vessels used for this type of cargo are usually equipped with cranes adapted to heavy or oversized loads to allow loading and unloading.

The advantages of Break Bulk Cargo are that it is the most efficient way to transport these goods. When the cargo does not fit in containers and cannot be divided, this is the only possible way to transport it. In other cases, this avoids having to disassemble the goods for transport, which can be especially useful for machinery or other sensitive items that need to be factory-fitted.

It also optimizes space and the economic cost of transporting goods that do not fit well in standard containers. This reduces the environmental impact of freight, maximizes vessel capacity and optimizes distribution routes, because there is no need to go to ports with container unloading capacity, as the vessel itself has the necessary means for loading and unloading.

Empresa de transporte marítimo especializada en break bulk y carga convencional

At Logisber we offer a full range of ocean freight services, including FCL, LCL, RO-RO and Project cargo. Our international network of agents allows us to connect the dots across seas and oceans, providing secure, competitive and customized solutions in logistics and maritime transportation. We have extensive experience, and our teams are fully committed to excellence, and we guarantee that the cargo reaches its destination efficiently and smoothly.

If you want to ship bulky goods transparently, with traceability and real-time tracking, contact Logisber now and we will tell you which is the best option to send your products by ship anywhere in the world.
